Friday, April 15, 2005
blog nation
Man oh man. Its a tipsy topsy world out there and everyone is getting a chance to let it all hang out. We all love the blogs because they allow us to say what ever the hell we want and not worry. We get to see some of the most intimate details of peoples lives and not worry about them knowing.
I feel like a voyeur... There are two blogs I love to watch belonging to a couple of mildly known artists. I saw them play together and feel in love with their energy. After watching their blogs it has become obvious that they have started dating. They are using their blogs to send little hints to eachother, little messages of love as they travel America on tour. Its so romantic I could die. It reminds me of Jane Austen novels when people would send letters delivered on horseback, and all the love that was sent in those, because it was all they had.

Rosie O's blog is read by hundreds that comment probably thousands that don't. The media read her blog, and make comments on their own sites. Their gossip sites. They attract attention to her that is unwarranted and make assumptions about her based on it.

If people made assumptions about me on my blog they would think I'm a bitch. They would think that I'm only filled with hate. Maybe I should change that, talk more about the fun times I'm having, lighten up the mood a little. Then again who cares. Its just a blog



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