I won't even go near how offensive and ill-informed the zen wrapped in karma comment is. These women go on for the entire ad talking about how superficially wonderful this low-cal treat is, proving yet again that women would rather stuff their bodies full of chemicals in order to taste something sweet, for fear of gaining a few ounces. What pisses me off is the bullshit they compare it to. Chocolate shoes!?!? Is this a spa or a mental clinic and you are recovering from your lobotomy?
There is no yogurt in the world that would inspire me to compare it to shoe shopping. Well maybe this one, because I HATE SHOE SHOPPING! If I eat something really amazing (that usually comes from all natural ingredients and is of the ice-cream variety) then it reminds me of, getting my Masters, or I dunno WORLD-FRICKIN-PEACE?!?!?!
What ever marketing brain trust came up with this campaign should be shot and pissed on. The idea that women get together and eat yogurt, gushing over its ability to let them enjoy calories is total nonsense, not to mention the brainless things these women come up with to compare it to.
You want to know what it looks like when a girlfriend and I eat faux-chocolate?
Something like this
Me: lets try these low-cal chocolate ice cream bars..
Friend: alright fine, but only because we are out of the good stuff.
Me: well it was on sale, what are ya gonna do..
(both start eating bars)
Friend: Wow... These are.... gross.
Me: Yea... splenda tastes like skunk ass.
Friend: Lets toss these out and get Hagen-Daz..
Me: Yea that would be much better.
Fuck you Yoplait.
We must be on the same wavelength. I was going to write about how much I hate those two idiots but I couldn't find an image of them. And you know I can't post a story without an image. That would be... un-Ubermilf.
yea, I decided a pic of the yogurt would have to be enough, I would have loved a video of the actual ad myself...
Someone else who hates shoe shopping!!! Yay! I was starting to think I was some sort of freak of female nature.
I hate this ad too. Let's face it, if women are going to gush over chocolate - it's going to be over quality stuff and they are going to compare it to a good fucking - not a pair of shoes.
i too, despise shoe shopping. also, artificial food.
they have to spell crab with a "k" when it's that artificial whitefish stuff ("krab salad"), so why not "fud" or something when it has a higher percentage of chemically wierdness than you know, actual foodstuffs?
maybe fod, with an umlaut. that would also serve to make it hardcore. like motley crue.
i've gotten rather completely off the point tonight on everything i've tried to say..
I've never understood shoe shopping, or the alleged joy in it. Bending over... and heels... ick.. I'm 5'5 so I'm supposed to like them, but I woud rather look like my short curvy self then suffer...
I don't understand who we are trying to convince when we eat the low-cal shit? Has anyone ever eaten a fake chocolate (like sugar free hershey) and honestly thought it tasted as good as the real thing? I don't think so. If anything I would feel more guilty about eating that then my tub o' hagen, because of all the chemicals I was putting in my poor body
Of the things mentioned by Miss HT, the only thing I like is cooking; it's like a science project and an art project rolled into one!
As for the other things, they are unhappy necessities to me. Except for the gossip, which I only enjoy if it's nasty stuff about Republicans or Televangelists.
HA !!
Love this entry.
I need to curse more on my blog.
I wont be trying that crap now... well not before either.
I hate artificial sweetners...
sometimes cursing, when used effectively, really makes it worth it.. I try not to overuse it though...
I'm thinking we should do a series on the ads that really piss us off.. not just for sexist reasons..
1) i love shoe shopping. i realise this makes me grossly unpopular on this particular blog, but i do. i was going to buy some new shoes for work today but had trouble finding the right combination of open toe, clos.... ok you don't care.
2) i enjoyed low carb chocolate while on my low carb diet about 18 months ago. truly. i mean, if you ate more than 1/3 of the block you'd be stuck in the toilet for the rest of the day but the flavour was ok.
3) don't hate me. the first 2 things don't make me the antichrist.
if you ate more than 1/3 of the block you'd be stuck in the toilet for the rest of the day but the flavour was ok.
right there? that redeemed you!
I eat low-carb chocolate because I can't eat the real stuff too often. But I don't for a second think that it's as good... it'll do in a pinch. I refuse to eat yogurt with artificial sweeteners because it tastes like shit. Plain or vanilla yogurt with some fresh berries is fantastic, and good for any diet, low-carb or low cal or whatever the hell diet you're on. Unless it's no dairy. I digress.
Shoe shopping - used to love it. Tore the tendons in both feet, which never went back to normal, so now I wear a wide width. Hate shoe shopping.
Those two yogurt whores...oh my GOD... I have HATED those commercials since the first one!!! First, the premise is just stupid and condescending, for all of the reasons everyone's already mentioned. Secondly, one girl is so weird looking it bugs me. Shallow? Probably. Oh well. Mr. Jaded is sick of me complaining every single time those commercials come on. I can't believe that there are enough people out there who actually LIKE them, that the freakin' company thinks it helps them sell yogurt to have two vacuous women represent them. UGH UGH UGH!!!
The "zen wrapped in karma dipped in chocolate" line is the one that pisses me off everytime I see the commercial. How idiotic.
Imagine going to Calcutta or something and seeing an ad for curry, and they describe it as, "It's like Jesus wrapped in Allah dipped in caramel good!"
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