Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Post 399 and Queen Nerdalina
My next post will be 400, any suggestions about what I should do?


So my Nerd-dom was announced to all the land last week and I think I might have to go join some sort of pocket protector club at the rate my reputation at my school goes from "random-girl-people-seem-to-like" to "nerdalina-the-queen-of-nerdonia-who-can-do-all-my-work-for-me".
It all started last Tuesday when I went to my first lecture for my Practical Experience class. We all found out that we are expected to create an e-portfolio, something I had already done for my computing course. I was obviously delighted at this because it meant less work for me.

Then it happened. My professor announced my royalty (and the 7 other members of my court):
"could the following students please stand up? Miss Knit... Take a good look at these students as they will be able to help you with all your questions while creating your portfolio."
Not even a heads up. There I am, standing in front of over a hundred people with bad hair. gah.

Then it got better, this week he decided to show the entire class my profile, on the big screen.

Now I can't get a coffee without people asking me questions.

I'm going into the "nerd protection program".


Blogger Tits McGee said...

Your nerdiness only makes you hotter. What on earth is "Practical Experience," though?

Oh, and I love love love your new favicon!

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

Nerd is the new cool. You rule!

Blogger Fella said...

I think you shoud be proud to be helping these students obtain their dreams of becoming... digital wizards or whatever nerds become.

Blogger Unknown said...

I had heard the queen of Nerdonia had been overthrown. Interesting.

Blogger yournamehere said...

"Nerd is the new cool"? Yeah, and "Fat is the new skinny", "Dumb is the new smart", and "Sick is the new well". Can't people just feel bad about themselves?

I'm sort of joking here.

Blogger msmachine said...

I was thinking about asking you for some help... with images and blog things. Now I know for sure that you are the one to ask and yet you are going to be way to busy to help!

Blogger Fella said...

Ask anyway. She loves to help.

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