I love eating at on a patio, seeing people walk by, everyone seems so much more relaxed when eating outside.
At the table next to us (my bf and I) was a very nice man and some people that worked at the restaurant. Soon another man arrived with a baby, and the first man asked if the baby had any sunscreen and they both started to take care of the baby like fathers. I could immediately tell they were the dads.
I love doing that, seeing little pieces of a life and putting together the pieces. I got to talking with one of the dads after a while, about life and babies. He said that he became much more creative after he became a mother, and cautioned me about getting married:
Him: "Everything was fine, then we got married and had a baby, all of the sudden we got crabby, are you two married?"
(Read simultaneously)
BF: No
Me: Not yet.
I wonder what the nice man with the baby thought of us, what he took from that statement to try and figure out OUR story. It got me thinking.
It's funny how the smallest interaction can affect your day....
will this be me?

or this?
At the table next to us (my bf and I) was a very nice man and some people that worked at the restaurant. Soon another man arrived with a baby, and the first man asked if the baby had any sunscreen and they both started to take care of the baby like fathers. I could immediately tell they were the dads.
I love doing that, seeing little pieces of a life and putting together the pieces. I got to talking with one of the dads after a while, about life and babies. He said that he became much more creative after he became a mother, and cautioned me about getting married:
Him: "Everything was fine, then we got married and had a baby, all of the sudden we got crabby, are you two married?"
(Read simultaneously)
BF: No
Me: Not yet.
I wonder what the nice man with the baby thought of us, what he took from that statement to try and figure out OUR story. It got me thinking.
It's funny how the smallest interaction can affect your day....
will this be me?

or this?

apparently, the male and female species in a "couple" have different ideas of being single.
for female, it is, as you correctly said "not yet".
for male, it is a plain "no".
Well, you know what I am going to say...
you dont need a man to complete you.
yadda yadda...
But I know your heart wants this someday.
I wish it for you.
I love to people watch too.
Great fun, and as you say, causes reflections in your own life.
It is a good thing.
ps, thanks for the well wishes...
I am as married as a lesbian couple can get here in North Georgia and very happy.
Even more so today it's Annie's birthday.
Thanks for your BD wishes on her blog.
I know I know, I am woman hear me roar, I don't need a man to complete me.. I also don't need a life of limbo... move up or move on I say!
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