Monday, August 07, 2006
When Will We All Admit that Abstinence Only Education Doesn't Work?!!?

This is a t-shirt that is available from cafepress.

What the hell does this even mean?!!?
What kind of message is it to young girls (or boys) about sexuality? Are we telling Jane Doe its okay for Johnny from down the street to put his penis in her pooper but not her vagina because that will make her chaste?!
Do you think Jane and Johnny will use a condom?

Why don't we just be a little more honest about this then shall we and let them all wear t-shirts like this:


Blogger Loz said...

i'm constantly alarmed by what the kids are doing these days... that's why you, LMK, need to educate as many of them as you possibly can. you're our only hope!

Blogger Tits McGee said...

I have to believe the CaféPress shirt is meant tongue-in-cheek (god, I hope so, anyway), but your shirt? Genius. Seriously, people would totally buy it. You'd make a killing.

And re: abstinence education? What a crock of shit. If I weren't so lazy, I'd Google the stats for you, but the numbers of kids having anal sex have totally increased in recent years. And you're right, they're not using condoms, which puts them at greater risk of catching or transmitting STDs than if they were having unprotected vaginal intercourse.


Blogger Willie Baronet said...

Amen, I already admit it. :-)

Blogger Fella said...

I'm not sure I approve of all the guttertalk getting bandied about in here.


Really, you people should be ashamed.

Blogger Jaded said...

I saw a report recently that said teens don't think of oral sex as a sexual act at's nothing more than an act of affection between friends even. How sad, seriously.

Abstinence should be taught along with all sorts of other methods of birth/STD control. I don't think it should be excluded entirely, but it should never be the only thing taught. Education is power.

Blogger Ubermilf said...

I think everyone should be laminated.

Blogger yournamehere said...

About five years ago there was a report in the Louisville Eccentric Observer, one of those free weekly papers that just about all cities have, about how the Tinsletown Cineplex (a movie theatre in the suburbs populated by upper-middle class kids) was a hangout for middle-school aged girls who would perform oral sex on RANDOM young boys during movies.
I think there's added security now. I wouldn't know, I refuse to go to "Tonsiltown" ever again.

Blogger Loz said...

ubes: that's the best idea i ever heard. everyone but me and johnny depp. then he'd HAVE to date me.

todd: what's the bet the security guards get a little action themselves?

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