Friday, October 21, 2005
Yesterday I taught second grade, and for those of you that have never experienced a room with 20 short people, it can be hell. I have a great respect for elementary teachers, because I could care less if Jimmy didn't get the ball today, but to them its this HUGE deal.

In class we read a book
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For those of you that haven't heard of this fabulous book, brother bear gets de-double-dared so he steals a watermelon, and learns an important lesson about peer pressure.

I found it related to how I've been feeling about "Half-Neekid Thursday". For those of you that aren't familiar with it, one blogger got a crazy idea to see how many other bloggers he could get to strip down.
It has been quite successful, with many bloggers using this trend as an opportunity to bare all...
I'm not so much down with that

There are varying degrees of people that participate in HNT. There are the tasteful nudes, and the exhibitionists, and the ones trying to prove that even though they blog, they have a life and are attractive.

The people I read regularly have used HNT and turned it on its head, which I have enjoyed greatly.

Everyone is comfortable with seeing a woman's breasts and ass, as HNT has proven, but when a woman takes control of the gaze, and shows, her tat, and only her tat, or just her leg, to me that kicks ass.

After a convo with Nick we came up with the same question, what purpose does HNT serve?
I was attracted the bloggin by the fact that the size of my tits wouldn't matter. If you want to show us them, good for you, its your body. For me? I feel like if I show all you some random naked piece of my body (any sexual portion especially) I would feel like an exhibit. My words would seem less meaningful, cause why read them when there are my boobs on full display?

Thanks to the ladies that are participating, because you are making blogdom a much prettier place. Just don't expect to see my rack on display anytime soon...



Blogger Loz said...

i'm not about to show any boob either LMK. but my tat is in the public domain, so i'm cool with it.

maybe, if you wanted, you could show us a toe or something? have you ever thought that maybe your refusal to participate makes you MORE alluring to the blogging public? as Gypsy Rose Lee said, "make them beg for more... and then don't give it to them!"

Blogger FRITZ said...

You know, I did a whole RANT dedicated to the naked stuff last week and ticked a lot of people off.

Because I'm one of those that only shows one tattoo at a time.

You are a hell of a lot nicer about the whole thing, but I'm tellin' 'ya, I think a lot of women show off the boobs because they want undue attention. Maybe their words aren't enough to attract attention?

I'm a feminist with a REALLY BITCHY attitude, so maybe I'm just cynical...

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

I try to have a live and let live mentality about it, but I can understand getting fired up about it.

Blogger Megan said...

hi, girls! HNT is just good plain fun. My opinion is, these little spaces here in blogland are the places where we can do whatever we want, say what we want, show what we want. So I really don't care what other people do on their own blogs. If I'm offended or apalled, I don't go back. I participate in HNT, but I probably won't show my bare T&A, either. Those are reserved for special people--I'd like to always be able to count the number of people who've seen me nude. Other people don't feel that way, and that's ok with me. I will not insult them or belittle them for their choices.

Thank you for addressing this with poise and dignity, and respect for your fellow bloggers. Oh yeah, and the Berenstein Bears ROCK.

Blogger amberdusk said...

Hmmm... I have heard of HNT and I think it's a little too out there for me. As if HNT is better than the other people who do it every-other day of the week.
While I don't agree with all your sentiments (I do like Abercrombie haha) I really appreciate that you think about things and their implications. I wish more people thought about things and I hope to do more of it myself.

Blogger Loz said...

sis b, very nicely said. i was trying to think of how to say the same thing but i think i was too upset to word it properly.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

why upset loz?

Blogger Ubermilf said...

I use it as an excuse to show cute pictures of UberGirls in the bathtub.

I thought it was tongue-in-cheek; I had no idea some people used it to show off. I guess I just don't visit those blogs.

I think a freshly pedicured toe would be nice.

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

I have a no-nudity clause in my blogging contract. If the director insists, Angelina Jolie has agreed to be my body double.

By the way, thank you for the respect towards elementary school teachers. I have 24 first graders each and every day. Some days it's hell, some days it's heaven. Most days it's a dull ache just behind my eye sockets.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

I'm with ya brooke... Body doubles all the way,
And I will ALWAYS have respect for elementary school teachers!

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