Friday, May 05, 2006
So, classes are done, I haded in my assignment and I had to get it bound because the damn stapler wouldn't go through it. Starting on monday I'm supposed to be at my practicum school (teehee "cum") but the thing is I still haven't been placed, so I get a holiday on monday!!

The down side is that if they still can't find me a school, I might have to go teacher grade 6 for a month which would suck, because then I would have to deal with brats like this:


Blogger FRITZ said...




Forget it, I'm not teaching. FORGET IT!

Blogger Fella said...

That's me. No really it is.

Blogger Jaded said...

That kid's parents need to be kicked in the head. Seriously.

Blogger Dr. Sardonic said...

And then they need to give the shirt back to sysm.

Blogger yournamehere said...

That is Nick. I'm just out of frame wearing a pair of "Home of the Whopper" boxer shorts.

Blogger Fella said...

He also has one of those shirts that says "I'm with stupid" except the arrow is pointing at his penis.

Blogger msmachine said...

Glad to see that all of the other commenters have the humour covered! Takes the pressure off me.
So I will just say hooray for you for finishing all of your assignments! That is a huge accomplishment. Enjoy your time off... no matter how long it ends up being. And don't worry, the grade 6's are no match for you!

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