Tuesday, July 26, 2005
back on my soap box.....
Should We give up on Roe v.Wade?

I found this great article on "The Nation" and highly recommend it.

I've been hearing a lot about this whole "Roe forced states to do things they didn't want to do causing a backlash" argument and quite frankly I think its bull. Forcing states to make abortion legal doesn't mean there are doctors coming by the busload to Alabama or Mississippi from New York or California to help these women.

Its not as if Roe passed and all of the sudden abortion clinics started growing on trees all over the deep south.

What about all the restrictions placed on a state by state basis? Forcing women to look at pictures of a fetus before they can get an abortion, or the plethora of restrictions and criminalization of abortion in Kansas?

Santorum has been going on all the talk shows talking about his book and how much he loves "The American Family". He claims that Roe v. Wade overstepped its bounds and it all started because of Griswold v. Connecticut which states that married persons should be allowed to have conctraception counseling. He thinks this was the beginning of the end...

So following this logic (of giving up Roe) that states should have been allowed to make decisions about abortion rights, which states would have banned it? I think its safe to say states like Mississippi or Alabama... Probably Louisiana and Georgia, and I'm guessing Tennessee would get on the anti-woman bandwagon pretty soon too..
What do they all have in common aside from drenching humity? Poverty.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com When I lived in Alabama I had health insurance and I had a mother who was enlightened enough (read worked in labor and delivery) to get me on the pill. It still cost $30 a month. Finding a low cost alternative was next to impossible in my town. Buying condoms was difficult because you couldn't go 5 feet without seeing someone you knew or someone your parents knew.

So freedom of contraception and the right to birth control would only be left for those who could afford it?
Is it really fair to say to a woman in Alabama that she is more than welcome to an abortion is she can afford to take the time off and fly to New York?

We don't need to give up on Roe and let the states decide whether or not to allow legal safe abortions. They already have.


Blogger Ubermilf said...

I think they should make abortion illegal as soon as they make vasectomies mandatory.

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