Saturday, September 24, 2005
Coffee, Hot Cereal, and wait...HIV doesnt cause AIDS?!
I've never felt this apprehensive about a post topic before.

I was reading the paper this morning and an article on the front page kinda shocked me. This woman, who is HIV positive claims that HIV doesn't cause AIDS, and that her kids didn't/don't have it. She refused AZT while she was pregnant, and breastfed. She also refused to get her kids tested, or vaccinated. She feeds them great organic food loves them dearly, but refuses to believe they might be sick.

Then her daughter died from AIDS related pneumonia.

Read the article and judge for yourself, but it seems to me like this woman surrounded herself with doctors that confirmed what she wanted to believe and didn't take care of her kids properly. They even admitted that they should have seen the signs when she first developed her cold.

What frightens me the most about this woman is her quote at the end of the article, and it caused my mother to go on a rant about. While obviously written in anger over the death of her child, still seems to show this womans hubris:

"Why our child — so appreciated, so held, so carefully nurtured — and not one ignored, abused or abandoned?" she wrote. "How come what we offered was not enough to keep her here when children with far less — impatient distracted parents, a small apartment on a busy street, extended day care, Oscar Mayer Lunchables — will happily stay?"

My mother's reaction was to say that she was a "arrogant bitch" to think that just because a mother cannot provide a large house in a quiet neighbourhood, perfect organic meals all the time and has to work, then her childs life is worth less than the one that has more money. That and no amount of organic food would have changed the fact that her daughter had AIDS!


Blogger amberdusk said...

Wow, I have to agree with your mom on that one. That lady is living in a self-centered and arrogant world to think that all the things she does for her kids will spare them from reality. I am sad for her daughter that nobody fought for, for instance the doctors.
Thanks for that insightful post even if it was a little daunting for you.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

thanks... what kills me about this woman is her clothing company makes $15 million a year! and all the big yards and carob in the world wasn't gonna save her from AIDS

Blogger Ubermilf said...

It's this crazy "you can have/do/be anything as long as you work hard/correctly/follow the rules" combined with the smug flipside of "they're only poor/sick/uneducated because they chose that life for themselves" attitude that permeates everything around.

I wouldn't wish pain like that on anyone, but I guess that woman "chose" to learn the hard way that aids doesn't care what income bracket your are in or how much more "important" you or your child's life is in your eyes.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

This woman had been wielding more power than I thought... check out the transcript from 20/20

Blogger Loz said...

It's unbelievable that her children's lives are so important to her that she would do everything she could to protect them. god complex, anyone?

Blogger Loz said...

i mean't 'aren't so important'.
it's sunday morning, allow me some slack.

Blogger Jaded said...

If your child dies from complications related to a disease that you not only know she has, but GAVE to her, then you should be charged with murder. Period. No amount of ignorance will cut it in this day and age. The fact that she refuses to accept that she is ill is irrelevant. She is. It is an etched in stone fact. If she so delusional as to believe otherwise, she shouldn't have custody of her children. The very idea that she took better care of her children than other people makes me want to hurl because she refused medical treatment for her daughter and allowed her to die. So which is worse, refusing medical treatment for your child or giving her a Lunchable? Hmmm...gee hard call there, huh? HIV causes AIDS. Just because she refuses to believe it doesn't make it any less true. Excuse my language, but what an arrogant, self-righteous, self-absorbed fucking bitch. And that's putting it mildly.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

I'm with ya Jaded, and thats pretty much what my mother had to say, I just edited it.. She and I have been talking about this woman all day... the whole situation is so hard to even comprehend! To be so in denial about your own desease as to give it to your husband and children...

Blogger GingerSnaps said...

this makes me want to throw up. i think everyone has said what has to be said..that this woman should be charged with murder. didnt that guy that was having unprotected sex with women to give them aids on purpose get the chair? yup, im pretty sure he did. how is this any different?

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