Monday, April 10, 2006
What is wrong with me?

Why do I have such wierd sex dreams?
Last time I had a celeb sex dream it was with Jon Stewart.
And two nights ago it was ::gavomitting a little:: Kelsey Grammer...

TFG isn't sure we should go see X-Men 3...


Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

I've had three sex dreams about three celebrities.
Jon Bon Jovi - awesome.
Josh Duhamel - unfuckingbelievable.
Howard Stern - not so good.

Blogger Loz said...

And as if Kelsey Grammar himself isn't bad enough, I'm picturing him in Cheers, with that frizzy mullet/receeding hairline combo. That's hot.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

I purposely picked a picture without the mullet so I wouldn't feel so bad.

Blogger Megan said...

i can't believe i'm going to admit this, i have never told ANYONE in my whole life and for some reason i always spill my darkest secrets over here. i must feel safe.

when i was a teenager i had sex dreams about Jaleel White.

Yeah, you heard me.


Blogger Tits McGee said...


I have to go take a shower now.

I'll say this, though: Josh Duhamel? Hot. Break me off a piece of that dream, Brooke.

Blogger diadima said...

i have jon stewart sex dreams regularly.

unfortunately he always does his g.w.b laugh impersonation which kind of kills the mood.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

my jon stewart sex dreams are hot.

now I have to go find out who josh duhamel is.

sis- was he stephan or steve? cause stephan was pretty hot.

Blogger Megan said...

luckily it was the actual actor... who i assumed was more like stephan...

Blogger Fella said...

You wanna know what's crazy, I don't have those types of dreams.

The last dream I can remember was me sitting in a gazebo with a bunch of Democrats, talking policy, when an angry mob of republicans (complete with torches and pitchforks) chased us out of the forest.

Blogger Unknown said...

Look at it like this: It could have been a different Cheers character. It could have been Norm.

Blogger Lo Lo Lova said...

Maybe Frasier's intellect won you over. And - hey - on his show, he was quite the ladies' man. I don't know. I'm trying here!

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

jj- at least norm was funny! "It's a dog eat dog world and I'm wearing milkbone underwear"

lolo- I have no excuses.

Blogger Willie Baronet said...

Ok, I was worried about you before, but now I'm getting really concerned. Kelsey Grammer?? :-)

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