Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Fooling them all..
So, for those of you that don't know, I got my BA Hons in London, Ontario. Thats all I got, a BA in English. I've been substituting for a year in California, teaching everything from pre-school to near drop outs at the "community high school". Somehow in the process I have managed to fool them all into thinking I'm quite good. Especially with children with special needs. I don't know how I pulled this off.

I got a long-term position as an aide in a classroom for children with behavioural issue children ( a topic on which I blog frequently). A few weeks ago I was approached by the soon-to-be principal and she asked me what my plans were for next year because they have some teaching positions to fill in the special ed dept. and they want me to teach.

I'm not qualified.

They didn't care.

They ran the applications, I didn't apply. I want to go to Australia and get my teaching credential, I want to be with my boyfriend, I don't want to stay stuck in this suburbia hell, teaching middles schoolers and working with a bunch of See You Next Tuesday's (aka CUNTS!). So I didn't apply....

They ran the interviews. I got called into the principal's office today, she didn't like anyone they interviewed. She still wants me. I told her "I don't think I'm qualified" she said "we have faith in you, we've seen you in action, we like your work"

My ego is flatered, my desire to teach renewed, but I just can't stay here.

I just want to run away to my cabin with a DSL line.


I'm freaked.


Blogger author said...

wow, you must be flattered and torn.
I would say that you need to follow your heart and go where you really want to be.

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