Thursday, June 09, 2005
I Want to Give Up... But it makes me so ANGRY
I've never written a post with tears in my eyes before so bear with me. This is part of the continuing saga of John and Suzie.

Suzie decided that she had had enough. She brought us letter she and John had passed back and forth in class. When we read it we could tell what he was trying to get at, inviting her over to his house, wanting her to give him something to remember her by.

She was upset. We told her that if there were any more notes being passed that we would want to see them.

She decided to take matters into her own hands. In today's session of note passing she tried to get him to talk about stuff, asked him to explain what he wanted. He figured it out and wouldn't take the bait.

We brought the letters to the administration in order for them to see the kinds of things John was saying to her. They hauled in Suzie.

They suspended her for writting inappropriate things, and felt that he had written nothing in these notes. John recieved no punishment.

It was bullshit.

The real reason why John is getting away with this is that earlier this year the Principal got John to lie for her in order to get a teacher suspended. A teacher that had pissed the Principal off.
Now if the Principal punishes John for anything, he will recant what he said about the teacher and the Principal will get in trouble.

While waiting for Suzie's mother to get to school I sat with her, talked to her. She explained that she has been suspended several times, gone to many different schools and wasn't too upset.

She told me about one suspension that got to me. In grade 4 she was raped. She came to school and talked about it, and was suspended.

Every time this girl cries out for help, the system punishes her. When I left work I was beyond livid. This close to quitting..

Part of me wants to give up, part of me wants to put up on war paint and fight...



Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

oh she retiring, so she will get a piece of my mind

Blogger lightfeather said...

Arrrrrrrrrrrgh! Wrong, wrong, wrong. I am so glad you are there!

Blogger Ubermilf said...

When you're disallusioned and deflated, it's time to step back and develop a new strategy. I don't know what that is, but I have faith in you; you'll figure it out.

It seems to me that we've gone too far with the sex thing. First, sex was dirty and unnatural. Now, it must be engaged in whenever the impulse hits.

You know, we all need to use the toilet. It's a perfectly natural bodily function. But we don't pull down our pants in the middle of the street whenever the urge hits; we take care of it properly. Hunger is natural and nothing to be ashamed of. But we don't push a kid down and steal his hot dog just because we're hungry, do we?

Sex education needs to cover this. I'm not talking that hyper "abstinence" thing that failed miserably. I'm talking common sense here -- not "if it feels good, do it" OR "Naughty, naughty... not til marriage" but something in between.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

My biggest dream is to become a sexual health educator, to try to help girls understand the psychological consequences of turning themselves into revolving doors for male pleasure.

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