Friday, June 10, 2005
Putting on the War Paint
As I eat my yogurt and drink my coffee (2 things that do not go together very well at all!) I am debating how to deal with this situation when today.

I made it very clear to the office manager that I was considering no longer applying for ANY position at this school. When I get to work, I know I will have to talk with administration because word gets around.

I will definetly not get to talk to the Principal, she hides from me after the last incident (she told me to just try and "put up with John's advances" and to "be the more mature one").

I doubt I will get to give her a piece of my mind until next week. What do I say? How does one go about losing it on a figure of authority without looking like a whinny child?

I play it over in my mind, over and over, how I could go about letting her know how I feel without stooping to her level.

She is a terrorist. an inhumane disgusting piece of human garbage that should never be allowed to come within 100 feet of children ever again. Thank the Gods for "suggested early retirement"


Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

Suzie is from a one parent home and we believe was molested by her father. She and her mother live in the back room of a house literally next to the train tracks.. I'm not saying that that is why she is having problems, but I think the lack of attention at home has definetly been a factor.

As far as single parents in general, I dont' think that is at issue here, many single parents care about their children and are great on their own. I'm sure that Suzie is better off without her father in the picture.
The main issue is that her mother refuses to admit that her daughter has been abused, so we can't get her to consent to any counseling for her daughter.

Its all crazy!!


Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

Why, thank you! I hope Petunia has not been scared away.

Unfortunately there are large limits as to how involved a teacher can get, as you will read in the next post!

I love being a teacher, but I hate how much restriction there is and politics..

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

Canada is the place to be!! I can't wait to go back!

6 days and counting!


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