Thursday, July 07, 2005
The Down-Low, its about gratification not orientation
So Oprah wants you to know that black men everywhere are having secret gay sex. They are coming back to their wives and giving them AIDS.

She has a man on who wrote a book. She asked him if he was gay his response confused me...

Oprah: So are you gay?

D.L. : I'm not gay, once you say you are gay people look differently at you, they classify you. I don't want to be clumped with that group.

EXCUSE ME? So you think you are better off telling everyone you cheated on your wife with men, engaged in high risk behaviour and exposed her to HIV/AIDS then just coming and out living as a gay male?

I'm incredibly confused.

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J.L. King thinks if he allows you to label him 'gay' then you will think he is a freak... cause there is no here that would call him a freak for cheating on his wife with other men, exposing her to HIV/AIDS.

He also offers tips to men in straight relationships while also on the "down low"

- If you're wife figures out you are cheating, tell her it's another woman. She is more likely to to forgive you for cheating with a woman then with a man!

So if your boyfriend cheated on you with a man, would you be less forgiving than if he cheated on you with a woman?

What do you think of the down-low?



Blogger Ubermilf said...

I saw that show long ago. They're rerunning it?

I was married to an abusive closeted gay man. I blogged several entries about it. I am no longer angry, although I was for a long time.

If he had just come to me and said, "I'm gay. It's taken me a long time to realize it, but we can't be married anymore." I would've been surprised. But I wouldn't have been angry, and I would've helped him through it.

Instead, he wanted the benefits that society awards heterosexuals while engaging in gay sex, all while depriving me of the heterosexual relationship I was born to have, bullying me and lying to me so I was confused and cowed. I was young and his abuse worked for a while, until I turned 26 and left.

Was I mad he was gay? No. Was I mad that he used me, beat me down mentally and eventually physically, potentially exposed me to disease (I had to go through several HIV and STD tests -- luckily, negative) deceived me and attempted to deny me happiness? You bet.

Being gay or bi is not a sin. Being deceitful, selfish and cruel is. That's what I think. But what do I know.

Blogger author said...

you know a lot I would say ubermilf
you lived it.
It is the worst kind of wrong to do this to another human.
It just sickens me.

Thanks LMF for the topic !

Blogger GingerSnaps said...

fucker is all i have to say.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

As everyone knows from my posts, I am this close to starting my own branch of PFLAG. But for me watching this I felt sick. If you don't love someone, don't marry them. If you really love someone, you wouldn't cheat on them, be they straight or gay.

What was worse, the author was saying that he still engages in straight relationships and makes speeches to women!



Blogger still_figuring_out said...

i watched this particular episode a while back.

and i was sickened by his total disrespect towards his wife.

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

He doesn't sound gay to me. He sounds like a misogynist.

Blogger Jaded said...

I think the gay aspect of it means little, actually. When you make a committment to someone, honor it, period. If you vow to forsake all others, do it. If you are running around screwing everything that walks, your risk of HIV is huge whether you're having gay sex or hetero sex. If you can't keep it in your pants, don't get married. And quite frankly, I don't see how being labeled "gay" is any more traumatic than being labeled a whore, but whatever. It's not a "label" if you're, oh, having sex with MEN. People like that make me wanna hurl. Selfish piece of crap. Sheesh.

Blogger GingerSnaps said...

i had a close friend once, that i was getting closer to everyday. we were falling in love(never had sex though) anyways, he told me one night he wanted me to be the mother to his kids(their mom died when hey were 1 and 2) and live with him, marry him and all that crap. i was very excited because i thought i was really falling for him.

we went to florida together for ten days, slept in the same bed, drank the whole time..blah blah blah,,well nothing happened. he woulndt make a move!. when we got back, i started dating someone else and he came out ogf the closet.! i cant believe i didnt see it. he used to leave the vacuum plugged in at all times in case of a vacuum emergency! how did i not know that he was gay!

oh, plus he was married twice before that and had two kids!

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

baby i'm doing well, living in Toronto with my boyfriend (but I'm not straight! JK)

I'm excited about your trip to Europe!


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