Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Go Girlcott Go...
The following t-shirts are for sale from either abercrombie or american eagle.
I would personally like to send a big "Fuck You" out to both of them.

A "girlcott" was formed to send a message to A&F, that they may be able to exploit young girls in 3rd world countries, but like hell they will do that with graphic tees here in America!

But honestly, the girlcott is great and shows amazing initiative on the part of young girls, and it worked, a&f pulled the tee that said "who needs brains when you have these"... these tees still remain though...

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I may not like all her movies, but I love this quote, and I think it applies nicely....

"Creating a cultural icon out of someone who goes 'I'm stupid, isn't it cute?' makes me want to THROW DAGGERS! My grandma and my mother did not fight what [they] fought for so you can start telling women it's fun to be stupid. Saying that to young women, little girls, MY DAUGHTER? It's not OK" - Reese Witherspoon (on the Parises and Jessicas of the world)


Blogger Ubermilf said...

They have been assholes for years.

Remind me to tell you the story about Dilf and Abercrombie...

Blogger Jaded said...

Add to that the fact that they make pants with words printed across the ass for kids. I do NOT want anyone trying to read my young daughter's ass!

I am tired of this new trend to objectify women again. It's one thing to be comfortable with your body, but it's a competely different thing to exploit it. It teaches girls that they can either be boring or whores, with no happy medium.

Good for Reese Witherspoon. I totally agree with her!

Blogger Maddie said...

The I heart Frat Boys t-shirt should have a line through it with I heart Sexual Assault Exams written underneath it.

Blogger ginonymous said...

oh my god, pants with words on the ass should be banned for all of mankind. (sorry, pants)

i've seen shirts like this on girls too young to work, ergo, their parents are supplying the cash for this. ?

ubie, i want to hear the story, too.

i just don't understand displaying yourself as essentially something to sell..i've had the argument a thousand times with my friends, about stripping as a means to an end. you know what? you're still a prostitute, you're selling sex to a buyer. does that make you immoral? no. does it make me question your faculties? yes.

Blogger Loz said...

disgusting.... vile and disgusting! why do these girls want to grow up so fast? why do they want to open the door to a world of problems they don't NEED to deal with yet?

pants, i think you should email that idea to a&f.

reese witherspoon is my new hero.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

I dare ya to buy the shirt pants..
double dog dare ya.

I think the worst is the sweatpants with "juicy" written across the ass. I would rather people not associate the word "juicy" with my ass.

great interview with Maureen Dowd on NPR yesterday. I will give you a link, she discusses how we are all turning from this all encompassing ideal of beauty that we had during the feminist movement to this plastic homogenized almost freakish view of beauty.

Blogger Fella said...

I am totally outnumbered here and will probably regret this, but I LOVE pants with words on the ass. Thay are hot!

I was watching an episode of... some show and one of the lead characters was wearing "juicy" ass pants. When they showed it I started laughing hysterically. Not because hr ass doesn't qualify as juicy, it does, it's that I had never seen them before.

Blogger Adam said...

am i wrong in thinking a juicy ass is something bad? usually that means you're ill...but i agree that these shirts need to be burned. i see girls that are barely out of junior high if that wearing crap like this and i wanna ask their parents if they've paid up front for the therapy needed when their daughters are raped by some classmate or barfly.

Blogger Ubermilf said...

Um, I had 1 yr old UberGirl last year dress up as a pumpkin for Halloween last year and her orange onesie had "Lil' Punkin" written on the fanny. Does that make me a bad parent?

AA, long story short, Dilf airbrushed some revealing things out of a 13 year-old's picture without the client's (A&F's) consent some years ago. Then they gave him a picture of a naked 16 year old draped across an elephant to work on, and he flat-out refused. Because he was a senior member of the department, he had that right; they gave it to an underling to do.

Oh, and it was legal because the girl's mother had given her written permission for her daughter to appear nude in a catalog.

Blogger Adam said...

ubermilf your "lil punkin's" costume was tasteful and cute.

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