Thursday, May 11, 2006
Oh goodness.
After shoe shopping ( I bought 2 pairs of flats, one black one brown, super cute) I met up with a friend for coffee. We then decided to have a little more fun and go back to her place for some wine.

Fast forward to the next morning and I'm asleep in my friends bed, alone, with all my clothes on and someones used dental floss between my toes.

The whole experience made me realise how happy I am to be with TFG. He joined us at the beginning of the evening and text messaged me around 2 am to make sure I had gotten somewhere safe for the night. He completely trusts me, just worries about what can happen to two drunk girls out on the town. I'm surprised he didn't call the cops when I tried reading my drunken text messages the next day.
It also made me realise that the next time I go to hang out with my friend, I should bring a change of panties.
And a toothbrush.


Blogger diadima said...

used dental floss eh?

i'll just take a page from tfg's book and not even ask ;-)

Blogger Fella said...

Bow chicka bow wow

Blogger Maddie said...

That's my kind of night.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

my friend apparently needs a maid. I just know the dental floss wasn't mine, and it wasn't used that night.

Blogger Jaded said...

I don't even wanna know about the dental floss.

Glad you're having fun though, and that you found some great shoes!

Blogger Jaded said...

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Blogger Jaded said...

I deleted a comment 'cause it posted twice for some reason. Sheesh.

Blogger Unknown said...

What Nick said.

Blogger Tits McGee said...

Friend who requires the bringing along of a change of panties = my kind of friend

Blogger Fella said...

What JJ said.

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

What Nick and JJ said.

Blogger Fella said...

What Brooke said.

Blogger Ubermilf said...

I passed out drunk in a frat house once and woke up with a wig between my legs.

Blogger Tits McGee said...

That is the sexiest thing I have ever heard.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

brooke, nick and jj should open their own show.

Ubie.. a wig? was it a merkin?

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