Thursday, January 04, 2007
Dear TFG,

I have a couple of concerns. Your absence has caused a serious gap in my life. A gap no amount of masturbating can fill (believe me, I've tried and I have the carpel tunnel to prove it) and think you need to start taking care of it. Now I know, I know, I will see you in 2 weeks, and you were here over Christmas, but to you remember how much sweet love you gave me over Christmas?
Yea. Once.
So while I know you said "I can't wait until we finally and romantically hump" that just isn't enough for me. You need to do more before I burn the motor on my vibrator.
I will accept the following:
Saucy pictures (of you or others, par example: Jake Gyllenhaal)
Saucy phone calls
Saucy emails
Or just find me a place to live.


Blogger Tits McGee said...

I first read "carpel tunnel" as "carpet tunnel" and had a moment of confusion.

Also, thoughts of you and your vibrator are making my head spin.

If you don't help her out, TFG, I will.

Off to Google "Jake Gyllenhall nude!"

Blogger Megan said...

2 words:

web. cam.

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