Monday, February 12, 2007
Fuck you John Petroski
What the hell did you think would happen when you wrote your little "satire"? Did you think the ladies would fawn over you after you cited the rapes of Sabine and Lucretia? Did you think that by dropping names like Lucius Tarquinius Superbius and adopting the style of Swift and his "Modest Proposal" that it would excuse you for your disgusting and deplorable rant?
Two years ago when I was a young co-ed I dealt with knuckle-dragging-mouth-breathers like you. When we served a cake shaped like a vagina to celebrate "V-day" the lovely newspaper editors published a picture with the caption "ooh, tastes like fish". We didn't take it too seriously, but it certainly tainted our attempt to bring awareness and mainstream discussion to an important cause.
John, are you being raped? Figuratively or literally? Was the editorial board giving you crap? Did you feel that the newspaper wasn't letting you print the hard hitting articles a University paper needs? If so, I am sorry but that does not excuse your inability to grasp the obvious. For this reason I think you need a bit of a refresher so here ya go:

1) Rape is never funny.
2) Rape is never ever funny.
3) No matter how many fancy words or ancient history you cite, rape is never funny.
4) "Ugly chicks need love too, but they gotta get raped" is never ever funny.
5) You are not funny.
6) You are not "a bold satirist whose message fell on deaf ears" you are just an asshole.

Fuck you very much,
Knitty Kitty

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Blogger Jaded said...

I am speechless... not only that someone wrote that filth, but that someone saw fit to print it.

Someone should call the local police department and ask if there are any unsolved rapes in the area, since this dude said right out loud that he thinks rape is a good thing. That would shut his mouth.

Blogger Megan said...

i'm glad i didn't read the article. sick, twisted, and fucked up all the same.

sadly, i had to tell my ex the same shit: rape is never funny. not in prison, not in real world, not if "she was asking for it." that probably explains a lot.

Blogger Tits McGee said...

So what do you think? Is John Petroski the cunt puncher?

What a fucking douchebag.

Blogger Maddie said...

This type of moronic BULLSHIT never ceases to enrage me. What the fuck, John Petroski?!

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

Oh. My. God.

May he spend the rest of his life getting raped on a daily basis.

Who is this guy?

Blogger JenL said...

That is truly revolting. It just turns my stomach. I can't believe he thought that was funny. Or clever. And it certainly wasn't satire.

Blogger Naynayfazz said...

That is a horrible article that guy wrote. I am sure he would feel different if say, his mother or child was raped.

Blogger Maddie said...

I'm still feeling very angry about this.

Blogger knitty kitty said...

Jaded - I'm with ya.

Sis b- it does say a lot about him, doesn't it?

Tits- I think John Petroski punches cunts on a regular basis, hopefully the cunts will start punching back.

Ms. Pants -Amen

Brooke- He is the Opinion Editor for "The Recorder" a uni newspaper

jenl- welcome! I'm with ya

naynay- welcome! I'm pretty sure John was spawned. Perhaps, hatched.

Pants- ever so sorry

Blogger Sysm said...

A friend's father once told her, "If you're being raped, you might as well lie back and enjoy it."

If I believed in Hell, he'd have a double-wide.

Blogger Ubermilf said...

Perhaps we can arrange for him to be raped, so he can see how wonderful it is.

You know what else is funny? Genocide, starvation, dying alone... hey, there's a whole bunch of comedy just waiting to be enjoyed!

Blogger yournamehere said...

Ubie, in all fairness I've gotten a lot of comedy mileage out of the fact that I'll die alone.

But I agree that the rest of this stuff isn't funny.

Blogger msmachine said...

Really very disgusting. What century, country, family spawned this filth? I feel sad for his mother. Thanks Knitty for publishing your response. You help to restore my spirit.

Blogger Fella said...

What if I'm raping a clown? Is it funny then?

incidentally John Whateverski is a fucking douche sack.

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