Sunday, June 12, 2005
Crazy Cleaning Day
So I've learned something over the past 5 years of visiting my home in the states and leaving my bedroom in disarray.. It pisses my mum off to no end! So I'm planning early before I leave and cleaning like crazy...

So there are a lot of things that have been scaring me lately, here is my list..

TomKat- First of all I'm tired of name blending celeb couples names. I'm also frightened that Tom Cruise is dating a girl on the cover "Cosmo Girl"

Botox.. We have become so obsessed with youth and photoshopped perfection that we are injecting poison into our systems (by we and our I mean humans) it freaks me out a lot...

Again on the youth obsessed track, vaginal rejuvination. A face lift for your vagina. Ouch, and what the hell? When I'm fiftyfive, I will be sleeping (hopefully) with other 55 year olds (or 59 if I'm still with my current mate) so I've got a feeling a 55 year old penis doesn't look quite the same as a 25 year old penis... Whats next, testicle botox?

Paris Hilton- Do you ever play that game where you watch and ad and try to figure out what the ad is trying to sell? Thats what I had to do for the first 28 seconds of her 30 second spot. She scares me. She is famous just for being..... a whore? And how does Paris Hilton in heels and a bikini make you think of a burger? A huge artery clogging burger somehow links with a wet car and skinny blond woman who is a big fan of plastic surgery? Ick.

On a more personal note...

I got into teacher's college in Australia, very excited, obvously. A girlfriend of mine said she "really wished" I had decided to get my masters. I wasn't sure how to take that. I'm sure she meant it was a compliment, that I would thrive in that environment, but at the same time it got me thinking.....

By getting my teaching certificate does that mean I will never get my masters? I never thought of getting my B.Ed as a trap, or as if that meant it was the end of the road for me, I just thought that if I'm going to tell people how to teach, shouldn't I have taught myself? That and I LOVE teaching, and getting to teach high school English could be great for a couple years, and I could be getting my masters in the process.

I mean being a professor, and being able to try and effect change in what I'm passionate about is something I plan on doing, but I'm 22. I'm in no rush to start my Masters. I want to be sure I know what I want when I get started.

I went to university when I was 17, and I wasted time trying to figure out what I really wanted. I don't want to do that again. I want to take my time, get some real experience in the field before I decide how to research my subject area.

By getting my B.Ed and becoming a high school and I somehow going against my feminist beliefs, and joining a "typical career path" for a woman? What if I get into teaching and I fall in love, and never leave? Am I a failure somehow?

I sure my friend never meant all that, but like I said, it got me thinking....

is this what I'm destined to be?

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Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

I'm pretty sure that the combi-names is a product of "extra tv"... I hope..

Personally? I like prestige, but what I like more is the idea of being able to implement change. I can teach 100 students a year, but as a professor or as an administrator, I could really try and do something.

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