Monday, November 21, 2005
A day in my head.
Here is what a day in my head sounds like.

While teaching English-
What part of silent reading do these children not understand?!?!
I can't believe that kid remembers that last year I told him that the had crossed the line and pissed on it with his holocaust joke. Did he just say he wrote a song called "Sometimes I forget I'm not gay"??!?!
Thank goodness the bell rang, get this brats out of here...why is this greasy haired senior looking at me? Why does he want to know what I'm doing Friday night> maybe his little band has a gig? Fine tell him you aren't busy.... He wants to take me out for dinner?!?! QUICK put your emergency "I'm engaged ring" on your left hand... SHIT I'm not wearing it... crap... tell him you have a boyfriend.... He thinks its okay if my boyfriend comes with us?!?!?!..... just blow him off....

While Teaching Video 4 times in a row..
1st time... holy crap I get to watch "Back to the Future?!" kick ass.. and we have projection it in the room?!! sweet...

2nd time... sweet merciful crap this is a great movie...

3rd time... god damnit it would be nice to have some natural light in here... I could narrate this movie...

4th time... please... stop.... no more back to the future... damn you McFly!!!

And one last round of English

wow. These kids are quiet... too quiet... are they on drugs?
How did that unfortunate balding girl get this far without tell her that her tight thin white t-shirt was showing of her black and pink lacy bra? Is she wearing it on purpose? holy crap she is balding... stop staring at the bald stop...

So there ya go, my day from the point of view of my random thoughts... one other random thought? I realized today that I don't think my ex boyfriend never went down on me... and if he did it wasn't memorable... how sad. no wonder we broke up so many years ago...


Blogger msmachine said...

I am impressed that you made it through that much MJF.

I taught at the community college two weeks ago and I showed a short film on behaviour management, one which I previewed earlier that week, and that was one time to many for me!

Can't imagine what the rest of the week will bring you!

Blogger Maddie said...

I had an ex who flat out refused to reciprocate the downward love. It was a deal breaker for me...well, that and he was a diabetic with a drinking problem and mother issues.

Blogger GingerSnaps said...

ive been trying to get my ex-boufriend to go down on me all week since i have to stay here until my car gets fixed. might as well make it fun..but he is being uite the prude!

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

That is so awesome. I must steal this idea!

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