Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Even if it gets heavy, we'll all float on...
Our new hostel is… colorful.
We have Kiwi’s from small “sheep-shaggin” towns (his words not mine) who likes to make 9/11 jokes.
We have a drunk Irish woman.
We have a baby, a cute little baby, named Lily. She is darling, and her parents give her cola and smoke very close to her. I could really like her parents if it weren’t for the complete lack of parenting skills.
We have a drunk Irish man, who gets beaten up by the Irish woman when he gets saucy. Which he does often.
We have a Brit who makes money working as a sex-text operator at a computer terminal. He gets paid a hundred dollars a day to sit in front of a computer to text message dirty men.
Not a single resident (except me) is tattoo free.
We have geckos, possums and bugs and everyone is friendly.
We move out on Friday and can’t wait.

School is going well. Stressful but well.
I am taking 2 full credits in two and a half weeks.
9-4 everyday with readings and night and writing on the weekends. I’m a tad bit tired.
I’m happy though. I studying so I can do what I love, a dream I have had since I was young. The program is small and the teachers a wonderful and understanding.
The course material is relevant and interesting, making it feel worthwhile.
We watch corner gas on DVD, Australia kicks ass, but not that much ass.
We download “Lost” on itunes. The new season is just starting here.
I’m going to be very tired for the next 18 months, but tired and happy.

I’m going to start a lovely tally of the differences between Australia (some only about Brisbane possibly) and North America.
These are differences I have observed and not complaints, cause quite frankly Australia rocks.

They greet you with “How ya goin’” or “Heya”
Goodbye is “See ya”
Businesses don’t have hours of operation; they have “trading hours”
MAC makeup is twice as expensive.
Everything closes at 5. Seriously. Most are closed on Sunday or open for 4 hours.
Some cross walks have dedicated crossing times, so people walk ALL OVER, diagonal and all crazy it’s like watching a game of frogger.
The toilets have no handle, but two buttons.
Australian television has an obsession with Simpsons, which is fantastic! Its on ALL the time! 3 hours every morning on the weekends, and all hours of the day on the weekdays. Every time I sit to dinner or breakfast on the weekend I get to watch while I eat.
If you can see a bug in Australia, it will bite you. If you can’t see a bug in Australia it’s already bitten you. May only apply to the jungle nature of Brisbane.
Red Pepper is called Capsicum
Rasin Bran is called “Saltana Bran”
Rice Krispies are called “Rice Bubbles”
Burger King is “Hungry Jacks”
The pharmacy is called the “chemist”
There is a massive aisle in the grocery store dedicated to coffee/tea like drinks. 3 sections dedicated to tea and instant coffee, one small shelf dedicated to regular ground coffee beans. And instant coffee is disgusting, I still drink it though.
If you order a “coffee” at any coffee shop, you get a cappuccino.
Telephones are EXPENSIVE! You pay for the privilege to rent the telephone line (sometimes at least $30) and then you pay to have each call connected (17-47 cents).
Cell phones are very popular, and pay as you go is cheap. You never pay for calls that are made do your phone.
SIM cards rule.
Even with all the windows, screens are apparently rare (our new windows have them!)
High quality used cars are cheap (under three grand).
The music is pretty much on the same level as the US, but the random songs they put in between the top 40 stuff remind me of grade 9.
Rupert Murdoch owns print media, cable television networks, cable/telephone/internet/cell phone providers and possibly radio stations.


Blogger Gnomey G said...

Very fun to keep up on your progress. I've never been to Austrailia and these kind of details are what travel is all about. I myself am hoping to head off to grad school this fall and will live in new surrounding for two years--maybe Alaska or Albama or some other non-A states. Well, have fun above all else and, yes, SIM cards do rule.

Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

two buttons?

i'm intrigued.

Blogger Tumbleweed said...

It IS fun to keep up with you! I love all the information you are giving. It sucks the most about the MAC make-up being so expensive. If you get hard up, I will send you some.

Blogger msmachine said...

The bugs thing kind of spooks me! But I loved to read all the differences you have already noticed. It is great that you have good teachers. You will do well.

Blogger diadima said...


what a pleasure.

glad things are moving along nicely for you over there!

Blogger Maddie said...

"Rice Bubbles" makes cereal sound magical.

Blogger Willie Baronet said...

If you order a coffee in France you get an espresso. ;-)

Blogger Spirit Of Owl said...

You're on fucking holiday. Stop fucking complaining.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

Hmm Spirit, you are rather spirited.
"These are differences I have observed and not complaints, cause quite frankly Australia rocks.

So take this in the spirit that you gave your comment.

Fuck you too! teehee

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

Have you had any Tim Tams yet? Oh how I miss them.

Blogger Fella said...

aren't they just cookies? or biscuits? or biscies? cookuits?

Blogger Loz said...

Tim Tams are what happened when chocolate and sex got together and orgasmed. And the Tim Tam Slam is what happened when it was multiple orgasms.

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