Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Camping Part 2
When we left off left of TFG and I had decided to lose the crazy's and find a place to stay. Our first attempt at calling a cab failed because we had no clue where we where, apparently cabbies need an address to go to in order to find you! We decided to walk off the beach and up to the main road in the hopes of finding a street sign (they are very elusive in Queensland) and thereby being able to locate a cab.

We called a cab and were told it would a few minutes and that if we wanted to go back to Brisbane tonight it would cost close to two hundred dollars. We knew that our cab ride would have to take us to a hotel that still had a reception office open past midnight. We started getting nervous about how much that would cost in this sleepy coastal town, it was then that we saw the cops go down the windy road and onto the beach.

We weren't sure if the cops would bust them for public drinking and camping, but we honestly knew we wouldn't feel bad if they were. The cops came back up the road 10 minutes later without our fellow campers and we decided to flag them down to ask about possible trains.

The police officers explained that there was no train up to the small town but that the bus would be running in the morning. They agreed that we would need to find a place to stay for the night and that the beach wasn't the best idea.
It was then that I got do to something I've never done before and I hope to never to again. I got in the back of a cop car.
The officers were fantastic and drove us to several hotels that they knew were clean and safe (but not expensive) and they knew the owners wouldn't mind waking up to let us in. They even woke up the hotel owners for us and made sure we had a room before they left.
We had a bed with better sheets then our apartment, we were able to shower and slept like logs... cool air conditioned logs.

The next morning we decided that we would head back to Brisbane as soon as possible so we could spend the rest of the weekend in the comfort of our own apartment never to leave enter a camper van ever again, but on our walk to the bus station we saw the beach.
And it was beautiful.

We went for a lovely swim, had a delicious Tasmanian smoked salmon sandwich and took a safe ride on the train back to our apartment.

We have no intention to speak to Spazz ever again. They called us several times and we answered it once, just to wrap up our relationship and found out that they ended up driving back to the camp ground drunk. So glad we left.

New rule for camping or travelling anywhere in Australia:

No camper vans.
No groups larger then 4
No trips where TFG and I aren't able to leave at our leisure.
No travelling with people we meet at a bar.


Blogger Loz said...

can i ask where it was you went "camping"?

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

you know the fabulous surfer's paradise that was shark infested? about an hour north of there...

Blogger Tumbleweed said...

Isn't it sad how we learn lessons the hard way? Story of my life!

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