Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I will post 3 times in one day and you will love it.
1) I concluded my camping story, sorry if part two is a bit of a let down but I lived to tell and thats all that matters.

2) I put in my two cents on Cheney shooting people. When I am so close to death that I need an ambulance within 10 minutes of me at all times I hope I will think twice about running around and killing anything... just doesn't seem like good karma.

3) Been here a month and already the politics are getting to me. Currently the Australian government is battling over who should get to decide if RU486 should be prescribed. I personally don't know enough about the drug to have a real opinion on it, but if it is safe and effective it could be a great alternative for women. Those that live in remote parts of Australia (you know, anywhere in the middle!) and can't get to a clinic in time and could be prescribed and supervised taking the pill would get major benifit other then that the prospect of a chemically enduced abortion is kinda scary.

One "Liberal" member of Australia's Parliament decided that if she couldn't make people realize the effect of abortion from a "moral" point of view she would bank of the fact that everyone is a little bit racist and make them fear the possibility of an all-muslim Australia.
Oh no she didn't!!
oh yes she did and the fall out is ugly
and so it should be, you don't get to run around making racist and completely unfounded comments on national television and get away with it.

As if TFG wasn't having a hard enough time getting me in the ocean already, the beach closest to our city filled with hundreds of sharks on a feeding frenzy (eating fish not people). Well one guy did get bitten.


Blogger msmachine said...

I have been afraid to go in the ocean since I was 10. We went to Florida and there were jelly fish all over the beach doing some sort of mass suicide... I was afraid of being stung. Sharks don't make me feel any better but I think my bigges irrational fear is about the undercurrent pulling me out to sea since I am a really crappy swimmer.
So all I can say is "Crap" for you and the swimming.

Blogger Loz said...

That abortion pill hasn't tested all that well - don't know the exact statistics but apparently women have died after using it. I'm trying to keep up with that story, the wheat board scandal and the Bali 9 sentencings all at the same time and it is not working!

Vale's comments about Australians aborting themselves out of existence play on the fears of alot of people, particularly around the part of Sydney I live in. Doesn't mean it isn't playing dirty though.

I agree that there are cases where girls and women need access to this sort of drug, but I worry about it being used inappropriately in large numbers... you know, like there's no consequences to unsafe sex. It's a powerful drug to just throw out there into the market.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

like I said loz, I haven't read the research on RU486 but the idea of a chemical that can abort a pregnancy would have to be pretty potent and that is scary.

Blogger Ubermilf said...

It's best to get medical advice for a miscarriage, medically-induced or not.

but that got me thinking about all the people here without health coverage, and BushCo's current push to get the "burden" of health insurance off of the poor, beleagured corporations -- and I got sad.

Blogger dizzy von damn! said...


i like your new banner. it's lovely.

Blogger Tumbleweed said...

I'm so behind. I will have to stay up late and get caught up with you! I love your stories. Be back tonight!

Blogger Scarlet Hip said...

Wooohooo! Looking good!

Blogger Mike said...

All abortions run the risk of injury of damage and death to the woman, whether it is surgical or induced with a pill. What they don't tell you is that the risk of dying in child birth is greater. Really, the best way to save the womans health is to abort all pregnancies, but that option rarely gets discussed.

Blogger Tumbleweed said...

All caught up and ready for more adventures!

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

thank you mike.

The issue is that its not up to elected officials with no medical background to decide what pills should be available to people. Doctors from an independant commitee should be.

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