Wednesday, April 19, 2006
This is me playing the worlds smallest violin.

"I spent many nights crying myself to sleep wishing I was ugly because of the way men leered and disrespected me, because they assumed things about my mental capacity or my physical willingness based on the way I look,"
- Evangeline Lilly

Sorry, I'm feeling to fat and sassy to have any sympathy.


Blogger Jaded said...

Maybe if she put some more freakin' clothes on, men wouldn't leer at her. How fucking shallow and insensitive of her to assume that if she were ugly, she'd be taken seriously as an intellectual. She could just as easily be ugly and dumb as a bag of hammers. She'll have to settle for pretty, dumb as a bag of hammers and self-absorbed.

I am fat and sassy. I have no sympathy. I hope she wakes up with her eyes swollen shut from all that crying. Bitch.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

yowza... nice going jaded.
Do you know how she got her break into television work? Late night advertisements for phone sex.

Blogger Tits McGee said...


That is just so great, Knitty.

It's not even like she's all that pretty. Cry me a river, Evangeline. Then go soak your head in it.

Blogger Fumbling said...

I hate when beautiful people whine about not being taken seriously. They can do something about it, like uuuh develop an educated opinion, develop leadership skills etc etc. People who are not Playboy material can't do a hell of a lot about that and a gerjillion studies show that hot folks get their way in life.

Blogger Loz said...

Oh, how I have always thought that life with a perfect figure and gorgeous face would be HELL. every day i am grateful to have fat thighs and frizzy hair and dry skin.

I'm bloated and hormonal, so she should just grow the hell up.

Blogger Lo Lo Lova said...

That poor girl!! How does she get up every morning? What kind of society do we live in that treats pretty people this way?? Especially the ones who KNOW they are pretty and shout it from the rooftops. I mean, really, people! Look at what you are doing to these pretty little victims. It's a travesty! Who cares about the poor and the homeless; the war going on and its victims; women being raped; people being murdered because of hatred, domestic violence, or prejudice. No, no, no. We need to worry about how we treat the pretty. Priorities, people! Priorities!!


What a bitch. I hope she chokes on a rice cake and dies.

Blogger Ubermilf said...

Choke on a rice cake and die!

My new battle cry.

Blogger Unknown said...

I think she's misinterpreting "I'd hit that" as something demeaning when what it really means is, "I think she's both attractive and smart. If we reproduced, our children would be part of the master race."

Blogger Lo Lo Lova said...

JJ - I'd like to "hit that" too, but in a completely different context. I'd like to knock the bitch into next Thursday!

Blogger Fella said...

I'm not going to comment on this post. For my own good.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

nick, come on. do it.

Blogger Jaded said...

Oh. My . GOD....

She did ads for phone sex and has the effin nerve to complain about men leering at her?! Is she KIDDING? They leer at her because she allowed herself to become their masterbation fantasy. She has no one to blame but herself!!

I am also in favor of that choking on a rice cake thing.

Whiney bitch.

Blogger Knitty Kitty said...

"Her role on Lost was her first real speaking part -- before that she had played a dead body on a couple of TV dramas and was featured (albeit silently) on several late-night chat-line ads."

I just think that if you go from modeling to those kinds of ads you are creating a voiceless image of yourself, one that inevitably you won't be able to control. She has also done tons of humanitarian work, and she could have done that instead if she didn't want to be objectified.

Blogger yournamehere said...

Didn't you people see Shallow Hal? All good people are either hideously misformed or morbidly obese. All pretty people are ugly inside.

At least that's the message I took from the movie.

Blogger Loz said...

Although in Shallow Hal Jill was good inside AND pretty. HA! And so was Jack Black, if you find a man like him attractive. Which I do.

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