Between the big signs being placed in his house telling everyone to stay quiet around his spawn,
the ipod and adult sized pacifier for Katie to chew on during labour and his just general ass-hat nature,
Tom Cruise scares me.And what the fuck happened to Katie Holmes? I mean she wasn't all that "in the news" before she started playing tonsil hockey with Tom, but was she always that vacant?
Did Tom give her a lobotomy?!Why are we all just learning about Tom's craziness?! I know he fired his publicist but unless she was drugging him, there is now way he could just all of the sudden decide to go on TV and be a crazed asshole all the time, right?
And what is all this crap about a silent birth!? I went to the Scientology website to find out...
What is a quiet or silent birth?
Having a quiet, gentle birth is all about providing the best possible environment for the birthing mother and her new baby.
It is labor and delivery done in a calm and loving environment and with no-spoken words by everyone attending as much as possible. Chatty doctors and nurses, shouts to “PUSH, PUSH” and loud or laughing remarks to “encourage” are the types of things that are meant to be avoided.

As L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of Dianetics and Scientology, wrote, “Everyone must learn to say nothing within the expectant mother’s hearing during labor and delivery.” And, “A woman who wants her child to have the best possible chance will find a doctor who will agree to keep quiet especially during the delivery, and who will insist upon silence being maintained in the hospital delivery room as far as it is humanly possible.”
Does this mean that a mother cannot scream or moan at all?
Of course they can make noises — the point of silent birth is NO WORDS. This is a principle of Dianetics and to fully understand why, read the book Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health, by L. Ron Hubbard. It is words that are the culprit. Outside of not speaking, the objective is generally to have as peaceful and relaxing an environment as possible for the mother and child. It is doubtful that any woman could give birth without making any noise at all.
Mothers naturally want to give their baby the best possible start in life and thus keep the birth as quiet as possible
Newsflash, babies can hear in the womb. They know sound is supposed to occur, so when they are born and all of the sudden there is no more sound, then wouldn't that freak them o
ut even more?! How are you supposed to bond with a child if you can't talk to it?
What is Scientology anyway? Every time someone tries to interview the church, they end up getting sued, and if you try and lampoon them Tom Cruise will probably try and crush you.
It almost makes me want to read their stupid books just so I can understand what all the fuss it about, but then I might end up like Katie, all vapid and silenced, and not just during child birth.